Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Last Class
Livia here. xx
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Class of 18/10/11
We invented a superheroe and learn when you use (too, enough)
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Last Class (04/10)
In the last class we made a activity in pairs. The teacher explained about the "past simple" (used to). We started doing exercises but the rest (questions 3 and 4) is for do in home.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Friends 4ever!!!
Thursday, 15 September 2011
going to vs will
Will:we use will for future facts or a far future
estrange holiday
past simple x past continuous
PAST CONTINUOUS: verb to be in the past and one verb in the continuous form.
EX:I was sleeping while my mum was watching tv.
PAST SIMPLE:verb in the past.
EX:She was eating when John arrived.
Last Class! (13/09)
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Maddi Jane
Going To x Will
Friday, 9 September 2011
Selena Gomez
Here is one of the musics of Selena Gomez, the name is Love You Like A Love Song.
I love this music and the video is very cool!!
I hope you like.
Last Class
Obligations and No Obligations
How to use:
- We use MUST and have to in positive and present sentences. We ONLY can use HAVE TO in the past and you CAN'T use must in the past.
Ex: You must wear shoes. ---- PRESENT
You have to wear shoes. --- PRESENT
You had to wear shoes. ---- PAST
- We use MUSN'T in negative and present sentences. To put the sentence in the past we use WASN'T ALLOWED TO.
Ex: You musn't take money. --- PRESENT
I wasn't allowed to take money. --- PAST
How to use:
- No obligation is when you don't need to do something.
Ex: You don't have to do the activities. --- PRESENT
You didn't have to do the activities. --- PAST
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Taylor Swift
Past simple x Past continuous
Present simple and continious
is a routine. ex. - Leandra runs every week.
Vital speaks a lot every time.
he/she/it -> you use "S"
Present continious
something you`re doing in the present, an arrangement in the future
ex.- Julia`s studying in the room
Juliana`s walking on the beach.
verb to be + verb with ING.
Exams are coming!!!!
- Present SimpleX Present Continuous
- Will X Going to
-Past Simple XPast Continuous
-Have to, must , musn't , had to , to be allowed to
Workbook pages
Good Luck MOnsters!!!
Date ... September 15th =Thursday
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Rolling in the deep
Monday, 5 September 2011
Fred Mercury
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Friday, 2 September 2011
Looks of the VMA 2011!

Thursday, 1 September 2011
Bullying, no more!
1- I love staying with my friends.
2- I love listening to music.
3- I like surfing in the net.
4- I like reading a book.
5- I don't like playing basketball.
6- I don't like eating japanese food.
7- I hate studying math.
8- I hate eating vegetables.
9- I can't stand watching football.
10- I can't stand talking to boring peoples.
Homework - 01/09
Demi Lovato

Hey guys, i will imitate the idea of bel and i will talk about one singer that i really like and admire. Her name is Demetria Devonne Lovato, she's from USA, is 19 years. When she was a child she suffered bullying in the school, because of that she left of the school and went to study at home. She suffered from eating disorders by the end of her adolescence, that was when she discovered she had bipolar disorder and she went to rehab. When she come out of the rehab, she did a song about her problem and this song is a hit and was an inspiration for others girls who suffer of the same problems to overcome as it did demi! and this song is Skyscraper
1-I love staying with my family
2-I love staying with my friends.
3- I like playing volleyball
4- I like dancing ballet
5- I don`t like studying
6- I don`t like staying at home
7- I hate eating jaca
8- I hate, when a person lies
9- I can`t stand eating pimentao
10- I can`t stand disturbing my sleep
I want to let you know that this blog is great and I also want to use this opportunity to congratulate Isabel Dias for being so active in her posting...
You make my afternoons better !!!
Leandra Dias
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Hy guys, i'm here for talk about one s

Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Tuesday 30/08
The lesson of Tuesday, We commented on the blog posts and the horror movie of Julia and we saw some videos posted by Isabel. We did an activity about obligations ( positive form and negative form ) on page 14 in the Student book.
That's it :)
Strange holiday
Strange holiday
MY horror movie!
Strange holiday
Crazy Holidays
Friday, 26 August 2011
Strange Holiday
Thursday, 25 August 2011
A strange holiday
But was very cool.
We only stayed for four days.
I loved my holidays!
Maria Cecília
( I hope is all correct)
Thursday 18/08
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
PLease, check your coursebook page 13.
Read the teaxt about somebody's STRANGE holiday and pick all the details. THEN THINK ABOUT A REALLY STRANGE HOLIDAY YOU HAD AND WRITE ABOUT IT.
If you haven't had one, just invent one!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL No excuses, right?
Post your written work in here.
Leandra Dias.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Thursday, 18 August 2011
He hasn't any relatives in another place.
His favourite restaurant is Pin up
He always lived in Recife.
He always wake up at 7 am..
In this weekend he going to shopping..
In next holidays he will not travel.
He doesn't have sister and brother.
That night he will be studying.
He doesn't have a pet.
His favourite food is pizza.
By Duda.
Class of Tuesday, 16/08
The lesson of Tuesday, who explained on present simple and present continuous was Vital.We did one activity about the subject.After we went to the computer but can not enter the site. And the class was finished.haha
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
I love dogs;
I have two brothers, one sister-in-law and one nephew;
I lived in another country. Angola and South Africa;
My favorite film is Harry Potter;
My favorite sport is volleyball;
I study in Santa Maria;
My favorite food is lasagne;
My favorite subject is English;
In holidays, I sometimes travel;
I have a lots of friends.
Kisses =)

She can't play football.
She prefer read a book than watching TV
In her future she wants to live in Curitiba.
Harry Potter was the last movie she saw at the cinema.
she visited another country. Portugal.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Class of Thursday, 04/08
On Thursday the teacher explained the different about present simple and present continious and than we discuss about it.
Than we did an exercise in the book.
Julia was VERY confused about the difference of present simple and present continious. Was very funny!!

Saulo Valenca
1-He likes lasagne
2-He doesn’t have animal
3-He surfs in the NET and plays football
4-He would like live in France
5- He would like to visit another country
6- He thinks Recife is a good city
7-He has a brother
8- He studies in Motivo
9-He doesn’t have a dream
10- He wouldn't like change the world
By:Izabele Arruda
Monday, 15 August 2011
Hi guys!
Izabele likes your sister because her sister helps her.She thinks the only good things to do in Recife are go o shopping and cinema. Izabele never was travel for another country. Her favorite subject is Science because is easy. Izabele dreams of traveling to Russia. Her parents are married. She doesn’t believe that the world can ends in 2012. Izabele would like to live in Italia. Izabele likes to visit USA.
She loves animals, and she has one in her house.